STAND UP, HAND UP, PAIR UP Room 17 learnt about a new way to help consolidate their learning. Each child has a question related to something we've learnt during the week or last term. When music plays, they have to kanikani around the room & when it stops, they have to put their hand up & pair up with the person closest to them. You give your new buddy a 'high five', say Kia Ora, then each person has a turn at asking a question. Once that's done, they swap cards, the music starts & they move on. STUDENT VOICE: - "This helps us remember what we've learnt during the week" - " If I come across the same question again & I didn't know the answer the first time, I do now" - " I learnt about when the Treaty of Waitangi was signed because I'd forgotten" - " My friend helped me to answer what number was one less than 635,000 - 634,999 - " There was only one part of the Statistical Inquiry ...
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