S.U.H.U.P.U - Oral language activity!


Room 17 learnt about a new way to help consolidate their learning.  Each child has a question related to something we've learnt during the week or last term. When music plays, they have to kanikani around the room & when it stops, they have to put their hand up & pair up with the person closest to them.  You give your new buddy a 'high five', say Kia Ora, then each person has a turn at asking a question.  Once that's done, they swap cards, the music starts & they move on.


- "This helps us remember what we've learnt during the week"
- " If I come across the same question again & I didn't know the answer the first time, I do now"
- " I learnt about when the Treaty of Waitangi was signed because I'd forgotten"
- " My friend helped me to answer what number was one less than 635,000 - 634,999
- " There was only one part of the Statistical Inquiry Cycle that I didn't know - I know now!"
- " Abel Tasman was the first Dutch person to sight New Zealand"

This activity is a KAGAN Co-operative Learning Strategy!


  1. Can't wait for this weeks round! We'll have new questions to follow up on what we have learnt from this week's "Food for thought".

  2. It was a fun way for children to learn and remember... great idea!


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