WEEK 7 - Mahi Kaha (working hard)

Week 7: What a busy week we've had in Room 17. The students have started on narrative writing and are coming up with some very creative stories.

Don't forget to ask your child about their writing and what elements they have to have in order to write and structure a piece of writing.

Late week 8 or early week 9, the students will be doing a writing assessment.

Maths: we've been working on decimals to 2 or 3 decimal places this week. In particular tenths and hundredths. The students have been reading and writing numbers to the millions, but in particular reading numbers into the trillions.

Reading: most of the students have completed the activities related to their novel study. There are a couple who have yet to finish their book.  This leads in well to the reading assessment we will be doing next week.

Inquiry: we are still working on our inquiry of Celebrating our Cultures. The students have come up with what we call 'think' questions to further research into their chosen culture.

Art: we are in the process of starting our calendar art and completing our work based on the NZ artist - Warren Pohatu.

So when you ask your child, what did you do at school this week, and they saying nothing - you know what we've been doing. HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND.


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